Service Overview
SJLS can provide legal assistance to individuals navigating the process of dissolving a marriage, civil union, domestic partnership or seeking an annulment. Common issues that must be addressed in a divorce can include custody of children, financial supports, and the division of assets and debts acquired during the marriage/civil union/domestic partnership. Legal assistance can range from advice to representation on a divorce matter.
Domestic Violence
SJLS provides legal assistance to victims of domestic violence seeking a restraining order against their abuser under the NJ Prevention of Domestic Violence Act. Individuals who have a family-type relationship with an abuser and have been subjected to an act of domestic violence from which they need immediate protection can seek a restraining order through the court process. Under a restraining order, victims can also seek certain emergent, temporary reliefs such as possession of property, orders concerning child custody, parenting time and financial support. Legal assistance can range from advice to representation on a domestic violence restraining order application.
NJ Victim’s Assistance and Survivor Protection Act
SJLS provides legal assistance to victims seeking a protective order under the NJ Victim’s Assistance and Survivor Protection Act (VASPA). Individuals who have no family-type relationship with a perpetrator of sexual assault, lewdness, cyber-harassment or stalking can seek a protective order through the court process. Legal assistance can range from advice to representation on a protective order application.
Child Custody
SJLS can provide legal advice to parents experiencing domestic violence on matters of child custody and parenting time. Court orders are often needed to set forth legal custody between co-parents, establish the primary residence of children, and establish parenting time schedules for each parent and child. Advice in this area will also include information and guidance on the financial issues of child support.
Alimony or Spousal Support
SJLS can provide legal advice to individuals seeking to initiate financial support from a current or former spouse through marriage, civil union or domestic partnership in Family Court.